Sunday classes are held at 92 1st Street, Parkmore / Lower Sandhurst
Here is the information for the Basic Home Obedience course.
This course is for any dog over the age of 4 months. It teaches the dog to walking correctly and nicely on a lead; to stand, sit and down on command; to sit and down stay; to come and finish on command; normal, slow and fast pace.
This is done in a group situation so that the dog gets social skills as well.
Starting dates for the next courses:
These will be sent via email as and when they come around. Please contact Kathy kcdogs@global.co.za to receive the email.
You need to decide which time is the best for you. The lessons will continue to be at that time for the whole course.
Come on the day that matches the time for lesson 1. You will then continue with your lessons at that time for the following 4 weeks.
SIGN-IN FORM: Please complete the sign-in form that will be attached to the email and either email it back to me (preferred) or bring it with you on the day. This will really speed up our sign-in process.
Prices are included in the information email.
Following the Basic Life Skills Course.
Intermediate Course - 4 weeks
Advanced Classes
If you wish to pay by EFT please contact me and I will send the banking details.
(EFT payment MUST be done before the lesson and proof of payment sent to me or brought on the first day of training.)
Please come about 10 to 15 minutes before the start on the first lesson so that you can sign in.
The dogs will be trained on a harness or a training collar - NOT A CHOKE CHAIN. A training collar is like a collar and just has a small piece of chain that makes the noise, but NEVER chokes the dog.
You will need treats for every lesson. You can bring your own treats which need to be soft and that don't take time to chew. Small pieces of chicken viennas are good. The treats that we use are made by Marltons, and are available for R35 per bag.
Please bring your dog's inoculation book to the first lesson, or scan it and send it via email. Only dogs that are fully up to date with their inoculations will be allowed onto the training field.
The training methods are modern and we train with love, praise and treats.
Please also remember that Kathy is a Senior Accredited Companion Animal Behaviourist. If you have any behavioural problems - big or small please contact her first, so that she can help you sort it out.
If you have any queries please contact Kathy:
Cell: 082 454 1750
e-mail: kcdogs@global.co.za