Trainers of KC Dog School
KC Dog School is home to Kathy Clayton Senior Accredited Companion Animal Behaviourist and Staci Lyons Accredited Behaviourist with the Animal Behaviour Consultants of SA.
KATHY CLAYTON - Head Trainer
BA (Unisa);
HDE (Higher Diploma in Education) (JCE);
Companion Animal Behaviour course (University of Pretoria);
Senior Accredited Companion Animal Behaviourist (ABC of SA) Accreditation number: SAABC/1998/008/CF
Accredited Clicker / Trick Dog Instructor (Do More with your Dog, USA)
CAP 1 (Clicker Assessment Program 1) and CAP 2 (Learning About Dogs, UK)
KUSA (Kennel Union of SA);
International Working Dog Association
SASDA (South African Sheepdog Association);
SAADA (South African Agility Dog Association);
SADDA (South African Dog Dancing Association)
WCFO (World Canine Freestyle Association - Dog Dancing)
Obedience, Agility, Dog Jumping, Dog Carting (KUSA (Kennel Union of Southern Africa))
International Judge for WCFO (USA)
International Dog Dancing judge for FCI (Europe)
Dog Dancing Judge for SADDA (South African Dog Dancing Association)
Agility Judge for SAADA (South African Agility Dog Association)
Dog Dancing judge for KUSA (Kennel Union of South Africa)
STACI LYONS - Senior Trainer
BA Bachelor of Live Performance (AFDA);
Certificate of Companion Animal Behaviour (Ethology Academy).
ABC accredited behaviourist.
Staci started training her Golden Retriever at K C Dog School when she was 12 years old. She continued training and then started helping out with sign ins, and one on one training for people who needed extra help. After finishing matric, she went to AFDA to study for a BA of Live Performance, which she achieved. During her study time, she remained with K C Dog School, now as a trainer, giving classes when necessary for Basic Obedience, and including the Intermediate and Advanced classes.
After over 30 years, Staci is the Senior Trainer, taking the Intermediate and Advanced classes, and runs the business when Kathy is overseas.
Staci runs the Sunday classes in the Norwood / Oaklands area.
When not giving classes, Staci does private home training.
Staci is married and has a daughter -Madison.